ASME Bladder Tanks, Storage Tanks & Pressure Vessels

ASME Plain Steel Surge Arrestor Tanks

AAtanks ASME-code plain steel type surge arrestor tanks are custom built to fit any application. The non-bladder hydro-pneumatic tank is typically designed to be used in conjunction with an air compressor or air feed line.

Plain Steel Custom Surge Arrestor Tanks

Plain Steel / Custom Surge Arrestor tanks are non-bladder type typically built in carbon or stainless steel. Surge arrestor tanks are designed to efficiently control water hammer shock and pump start-up/shut-down water surge. Plain steel surge arrestor tanks are custom built to your specifications and available with the appropriate internal lining for your application.

Plain Steel Custom Surge Arrestor Tanks

Download Plain Steel Custom Horizontal Tank Submittal Form [.pdf]
Download Plain Steel Custom Vertical Tank Submittal Form [.pdf]
Download Typical Plain Steel Tank Sizes [.pdf]


  • ASME or non-ASME Construction
  • Material: Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel (304/316)
  • Design Pressure: From Full Vacuum up to 2000 PSI
  • Design Temperatures: From -50F to 450F
  • Interior and Exterior Epoxy Finish Available to Fit All Specifications
  • Custom Built to Fit Your Specifications
  • CE/PED, CRN and Many Other Certifications Available
  • Seismic and Wind Load Calculations Available


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